New cloud-based adaptive pass calculation

The pass schedule calculator has been used as a cloud-based solution for the first time at an Achenbach strip rolling mill in Croatia. This software enables the customer to calculate the optimal pass schedule for a product to be rolled in advance and determine whether and how the corresponding product should be rolled, and this as a cloud-based service, i.e., the customer can perform the pass schedule calculation easily, flexibly, and purposefully at any time by accessing the program in the cloud. The pass schedule calculator can also be used as an extension of MillModelling enabling the model-supported analysis and optimization of the rolling process. Based on the experience gained in the form of friction and flow curves from MillModelling, the optimal pass schedule can be calculated in advance for a product to be rolled, so that the required material data can not only be manually improved and updated, but also automatically adjusted. This not only has a direct influence on productivity, but also forms the basis for the new and further development of rolled products and processes.

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