Ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of a new state-of-the-art production hall

The official ground-breaking ceremony recently marked the symbolic start of the construction of a new production hall for Achenbach Controls GmbH. On a plot of around 7,000 m2 in Baesweiler, an ultra-modern site with a production hall as well as office and social buildings for the manufacture of electrical switchgear and equipment is being built.
“With the new building, we are now optimally prepared for future challenges and can further strengthen our market position by expanding our production capacities,” emphasizes CEO André E. Barten. In Baesweiler, Achenbach has already been building electrical switchgear for its own production systems as well as for other systems in a wide range of industries for several years. However, the previous production site has long since reached the limits of its capacity. Site manager Markus Jünger and the 20 or so employees are therefore all the more looking forward to the move to the new premises, which is expected to take place in fall 2025. The construction project is being realized by STORMS Schlüsselfertig GmbH from Erkelenz.

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