Visit of the Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil at Achenbach on October 5, 2023, 2:00 p.m.

Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil visited the company Achenbach Buschhütten in Kreuz, Germany, on October 5, 2023, as part of the project "Mission Specialist. A dialogue for the future". The aim of the dialog process is to gather different perspectives, concerns, and ideas for securing a skilled workforce in discussions with citizens, social partners, associations, companies, and scientists and to translate these into concrete recommendations for action.

The visit to Achenbach Buschhütten falls under the heading of "practical workshops". These are events held in selected small and medium-sized enterprises in different sectors and regions of Germany. Federal Minister Hubertus Heil said: "We are launching our skilled workers mission here today. In this way, we want to develop new solutions for skilled labor policy. Together with the team from Achenbach Buschhütten GmbH & Co. KG, we will be discussing in our first practical workshop how the skilled workforce of tomorrow must be secured. It is important for me to find out how we at the BMAS can best set the course for this and support companies. Ideas for the further development of measures do not arise in a vacuum. It's important for us to understand what's happening on the ground and what can work locally."

Federal Minister Heil will first get to know the company during a 30-minute tour of the plant. Afterwards, at 2:30 p.m., a moderated round of talks will take place in the Smart Learning Factory at the Campus Buschhütten with the management and selected employees of Achenbach and other participants from associations and trade unions (a total of about 20 people). Its main purpose is to conduct a reality check in order to find out and discuss the company's needs as well as experiences and possible solutions with regard to securing skilled labor. 

At Achenbach Buschhütten, the company is looking forward to the minister's visit and the opportunity for a professional exchange. "As a high-tech machine manufacturer, we are of course particularly dependent on well-trained skilled workers," says HR Manager Dr. Mario Penzkofer. "At the same time, we are also proud of what we have to offer." For example, the company, which employs around 500 people at the site, is an example of sustainable commitment to securing skilled workers with its Smart Learning Factory at the Campus Buschhütten and its forward-looking training concept.

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