Achenbach OPTIPURE
Rectification Systems
Rectification Systems
Roilpure rectification systems thermally separate tramp oils from the rolling oil and redirect the rolling oil into the production cycle in as-good-as-new quality.
Achenbach UniVap Draining Unit for first-class rolling oil quality
Fully automatic system control with auto start and remote maintenance
Stand-alone concept
Volume flow
Rolling oil pureness
A holistic approach.
They are always tailored to the specific operation purpose.
Together with the Achenbach ROILPURE® Rectification Systems and the Achenbach SUPERSTACK® II Filtration Systems, they handle the entire exhaust air and coolant flow in the rolling process.
Following the closed-loop priciple, they operate ecologically as well as economically highly efficient.
The outstanding performance is achieved by automation with Achenbach OPTIROLL®.
- Achenbach UniVap Draining Unit for first-class rolling oil quality
- Extremly compact design
- Dry-running vacuum pumps
- Exchange packings with high separation accuracy
- Individual presetting of the system parameters
- Energy-efficient rectification column optimized for pressures < 1 mbar
- Integrated electric heater
- Programming of tank switchover
- Stand-alone concept
- Fully automatic system control with auto start and remote maintenance
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